Tips for Savings

5 Tips for Saving:

Consider Other Deductibles
Savings can be up to several hundred dollars
per year. We provide multiple deductible
options with your quote. Ask me why most of
our homeowners carry a $2,500 deductible.

Bundle Your Home & Auto
By bundling your home & auto, you may
qualify for additional discounts that could save
you an estimate of 15-30%.

Sprinkler Systems
Some of our insurance companies offer up to
a 5% discount for high-quality, residential
sprinkler systems.

Fire & Security Alarms
Homeowners can save up to 10% on their
policy by having a central monitored fire &
burglary alarm system. This could add up to
$160 annually based on average premium

An Update Roof
Having a newer roof can protect against
severe home damage & instantly provide a
drop in your insurance premium costs.
Discounts range from 5% – 10%.